Help & FAQ

Got a problem with your load?
We’ve got your back.

We Have Answers


How do I get a hold of dispatch?

Give our dispatchers a call at (307) 218-3178 EXT 1. You can also send a text or leave a voicemail. If you want to send an email, use

Can I work with other dispatchers or get my own loads?

Absolutely! We're here to help you when you need it. Book your own loads or work with other dispatching services. We're just happy you're rolling.

How much control do I have over loads with a dispatch service?

As much control as you choose. You can trust us to make decisions based on your preferences or we can run every load by you first. The faster we can book loads for you, the more often you'll get the good loads before they disappear off the load boards. You can change your mind about how much control you want at any time.

What are your hours of operation?

We're open Monday through Friday, from 6 AM to 6 PM, Mountain Time. This allows us to serve carriers from the East Coast all the way to the West Coast.

Why don't you have 24/7 support?

We're open when the brokers are open. When you run into an after-hours problem, you can tell us about it in a text, email, or voice message. By the time the brokers get to the office, we've already told them about your situation and will be working on a solution first thing in the morning.

How do I know you're charging the agreed upon percentage for my load?

Transparency and trust are everything to us. You'll get to see all the documentation on your load. This includes rate cons, emails, broker setup packets, and communication between dispatch and brokerages. You're paying us to do this work on your behalf, so it all belongs to you.

What is a limited power of attorney?

A limited power of attorney is a legal document that says you authorize us to make certain specific decisions on your behalf. We can book loads and negotiate rates. That's it. You can also revoke the power of attorney at any time. You always control the authorization.

Why do I need a limited power of attorney?

This is to save you time and prevent you from missing out on loads. You tell us exactly the kinds of loads you want, the region you want to drive in and your minimum rate. We match you with the best load based on your preferences and either book it automatically or run it by you first. A few drivers choose not to use a limited power of attorney, but not having one slows things down a lot and means you will miss out on the bulk of the available loads.

What if I'm not comfortable with you charging my credit card automatically?

That's fine. While many drivers prefer the convenience of automatic payments, you can always pay manually. Remember, we can only charge you the amount you agreed to. Not a penny more.

What are my payment options?

We try to give carriers the most flexibility possible when it comes to making payments. You can choose to pay with a debit or credit card (Visa or Master Card), ACH, and Venmo.

6 AM - 6 PM Mountain Time

Need a Hand?

Is Murphy’s Law in effect? Call our dispatch team if you’ve run into trouble. For after-hours problems, send us a text, leave a voicemail, or pop us an email. We’ll let the broker know as soon as they’re available.